I am writing this a week into my year long(perhaps longer) hiatus off of Socials, so far it has been so eye opening in many ways I will share what has been evident so far!
If you're like me you've been there for over a decade, just think of HOW MANY HOURS THAT IS, just how much content that is, that you've created, that you've shared that you've taken in, that you've been made to feel all the human emotions by..
It's like A LOT OF ENERGY.
Maybe you've also been there since the beginning like me of what is now a behemoth machine of the human experience on steroids.
You've seen it change, morph, influence & shape our culture for better or not.
You've created amazing connections, been inspired, taken action, shared your beliefs, used it as a tool for self growth and FINDING YOUR PEOPLE.
I am right there with you for all of it.
Socials came into my life at a time when I was at my Saturn Return/ breakdown to breakthrough moment in my late 20's. For me it was a way to BUILD someone, an identity that I didn't know myself to be but who I wanted to be and did eventually become- phew! It did help me tap into something greater within me that I didn't have the confidence internally at the time to believe just yet.
It's not like I was lying on the internet about who I was, I was that person but it was easy to show the highlights in life.. when truly behind the scenes, within was still chaos.
Overtime with socials many of us have learned this way of embedded self creation and not many people talk about it, because it's just what you do in today's world.
My Question is at what cost?
At what point do we really look at what Social Media is doing for our SELF awareness, our SELF confidence, our SELF sourcing of our own ideas & identity.When do you see that as adults and parents what we are allowing our kids to learn from us- this one REALLY got me in the guts when I started becoming more aware of how my behaviours and patterns influenced my KIDS. They do not what you say- they do what you do.
One of the lines I said the MOST when I was confronted about my phone time was:
In part it is true & also not. It was the line I held onto that kept the addiction to scrolling, avoiding, dopamine & validation alive- and it made me feel important in some weird way. I do have a business lakefront rental management that does require me to be available for clients during rentals etc BUT AND ALSO- I don't need to be on socials for that!
OK what have I noticed this past week fully freshly off of socials.
The HABIT OF CHECKING MY PHONE, like how many times can you check your email when there is nothing expected to come in. This I knew would be the most evident because our body is programmed by our daily habitual actions. I just let myself do it and not be judgmental or hard on myself. Compassion is key when making a big change.
The habit of wanting to post something when I'm inspired, excited, feeling to share it with everyone ( again the highlight reel!) but noticing that was powerful because I got to just KEEP IT FOR ME. Really fully FEEL IT for me, and not give it away to everyone for their approval or judgment.
Noticing the urgency of wanting to keep my posts going and stay in the favour of the algorithm. The feeling of if I don't post this ( I hired some help to post my content while I'm not there!) then I will be left behind and no one will come. This one will be big because as I mentioned I had a strong belief that I NEED SOCIALS FOR BUSINESS.
LESS CHAOS MORE PEACE we are not built as humans to intake so much information let alone tragedy all over the world 24hrs a day!
I have been reading A LOT this week, like in a physical book and WOW does it ever feel just so much more chill. I also SAW clearly within how much socials take from our creative life force- we fragment the flow, when truly if you want to create we need the skills of FOCUS to bring forth what you want in this life. This may be one of the most potent reflections for me this week, was the visual on the screen of my mind this. It was like this scattered view of photos going really fast with my energy attached in many many directions ( this also was a gift of my mushroom ceremony in November!) vs The steady focus of what is in front you - in your present reality.
I will continue to share this journey as I go in hopes that it may inspire some new questions for yourself within.
Thank you for reading !
With Much Gratitude,
Katie xx